Boasting an excellent slab sawing service for cutting concrete slabs, Core Cutting Abu Dhabi offers such facility to different industries in the UAE. With the aid of top-of-the-line equipment and techniques, expert professionals at Core Cutting Abu Dhabi produce exact and efficient results.
Cutting Concrete Slab
Cutting through concrete slabs becomes essential in construction, renovation and demolition. To help you through, Core Cutting Abu Dhabi’s slab sawing services provide you the chance to cut safely and efficiently concrete slabs without destroying the integrity of the surrounding structure.
Our saws employ specialised slab-cutting saws utilising a diamond-tipped blade made to cut thick concrete slabs. Controlled environment is one of the major benefits of these saws which prevents dust and noise pollution.
At Core Cutting Abu Dhabi, we have been dedicated to safety, quality and customer satisfaction. Our team is highly trained to work very safely with maximum efficiency. The latest equipment and techniques are sourced to ensure accurate and reliable results.
We offer slab sawing services for:
– Cutting concrete slabs for plumbing, electrical and HVAC installations
– Slab sawing problematic concrete repair and maintenance
– Cutting concrete slabs for demolition-renovation projects
– Slab sawing for industrial commercial usage
Core Cutting Abu Dhabi will not compromise quality in slab sawing services but pay attention to what each project specifically requires. With highly qualified equipment and an experienced team, you can trust Core Cutting Abu Dhabi to dispense precise, accurate and reliable results.